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  • Thanks for your welcome! It sounds like you really do a lot of different styles! My 16 year-old daughter Jessica loves tribal bellydance and has been trying to teach herself using dvds because there aren't any tribal dancers in our area, so she very excited to see you went to a workshop with Urbal Tribal. I love double veil! Petite Jamilla is my idol. :)
    Talk to you soon, have fun at your workshop!
    Pam (FadilahBellydance)
    Hello and Welcome,
    I see you dance to lot's of different styles, me too.
    I've just finished some amazing Tribal w/shops in Sydney (Urban Tribal) were the big guns there.
    And off to Albury (about 3 hrs away) to do a Jsiri w/shop which is mainly Egyptian, but also flamenco, fusion, double veil etc..
    So should be fun.
    Nice to meet you.
    Enjoy the forum.
    Lotus Dancer.
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