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  • Hi, thanks for the rep in the "Mass Media, Mass Stereotypes" thread! I didn't realize you had done that until I was looking at my profile today :)
    Hi! Thanks for the rep! Also your posts about layering were very informative, thanks! :D
    Hi Mahsati!

    Just wanted to say thank you for the rep points you gave me.

    BTW, love your fan veils pictures. I dreamed about the same color combination as you've got in your avatar (even before I saw it).

    Have a nice day!
    Thanks for the rep, much appreciated:D The newer members need to understand that it is OK to have opinions, but be ready to accept opinions that may not be in line with your own - or don't open a can of worms unless you are ready to go fishing, and be prepared for the shark on the line, as they can bite;)
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