Recent content by Nailah_Siti

  1. Nailah_Siti

    How much is too much... booty?

    I came across this article today that highlights some problems that have been occurring recently when women try to alter their physical beauty with dangerous surgeries and procedures. I am glad to live in a time that having a big butt is admired (although we should celebrate ALL kinds of...
  2. Nailah_Siti

    Hunger Site

    I didn't see any threads for this and it is such a great cause. Once daily you can click on this website and your click will donate food. You can also purchase items and your money will give food to the hungry. Most of the items are handmade by various cultures and I have received many gorgeous...
  3. Nailah_Siti

    I finally signed up for...

    GypsyNet! O M G why didn't I do this sooner! I just completed about an hour and a half of warming up, learning, practicing what I learned and cooling down. Ansuya is just flippn amazing! She goes the perfect speed for me and now I feel much better about where I am in belly dance and where I am...
  4. Nailah_Siti

    Hi from West Virginia!

    Hey all, I'm new to the forums and just wanted to say hello. I have been obsessed with Egyptian culture since I learned to read and well, belly dance fascinated me. I am pursuing the dance to the best of my abilities but hunger for more and more. I want to learn belly dance as Egyptians feel it...
  5. Nailah_Siti

    Class in Egypt- Amora Shams

    :: Become an Oriental Belly Dancer in 24 days. Courses in Egypt or in Spain and Morocco :: I was just wondering if any of you have done this course and if it is something I should start saving my lunch money for in the next few years. I have wanted to go to Egypt since I was a little girl and...
  6. Nailah_Siti

    Help! Decisions are hard!

    Hey all! I am new to the forums and still quite new to belly dance. I have reached the 6 month mark in my education and craving more. I originally fell in love with Egyptian style, but because of a lack of instructors in my area I found a great ATS teacher. She has really helped me lock in some...