Hi Tina,
I know Dud from when we used to go to Wendy Buonaventuras summer schools here in England. Dud was a regular feature and we used to have a great time together. Back then she was very much into Egyptian but I saw her last March at the Sirocco festival in UK and she was doing Gypsy..she was very good at that too!
Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Computers???????????????
Yes I have uploaded our video's onto my computer.
Now I need to get it on to you tube, yes???
Can I get it onto here without you tube? Do you know.
I will get there.
Ciao for now.
Lotus Dancer
Fantastic!!! You go girl.
It's a great feeling when your dance moves people.
The fusion styles seem to do that alot.
Would have loved to have seen it.
Lotus Dancer.
Hey Tina Rules,
I am trying as we speak. I just tried to upload our video, but it said it's going to take 7hrs?????????? What's with that? The video is only 3 minutes long. I have obviously done something wrong. I will work it out and post asap. I really think you'll like what we do.
How about you? Anything new to check out.
Lotus Dancer.
Hey Tina Rules,
How have you been? Dancing much?
I'm going to post some of our dancing next week. Check it out. I think you'll like what we do.
Lotus Dancer.
Jo, det er mig på billedet fra Kolding -du kan se flere billeder (hvis du har lyst) på tinarules.dk
Jeg kan desværre ikke komme til den powerweekend. Callisto kender jeg udemærket; har lige været til gothla.se i Gøteborg i forrige weekend, en gothic/dark fusion dansefestival, som Callisto arrangerede. Hun havde bl.a. fået både Ariellah og Sashi, super dygtige dansere fra USA til festivallen
Hej, nej, jeg tror ikke jeg har set dig, måske kun på billede fra kolding showet?
Måske kommer du til København til powerweekend da der kommer en gothic fusion danser (callisto)?
Venlig hilsen Gisela