Shamndoura lyrics&translation


New member
Hey all this is the lyrics and the translation for a Mounir's song Shamndoura, the first part is in nubian not arabic, and found the translation to Arabic in a forum.
Shamandura Mounir
Shamandura is something like a buoy, that used to guide the ships and boats in the nile to the land especially during the floods. So, he is telling his beloved that she is like that buoy that guides him in life and makes him feel safe.
Eyyo shamandoura mnjena bari gaskyo mengena (Nubian not Arabic): oh shamandura standing right there in the middle of the water.
Segry mala wayna mortan nagla wayna (nubian): and the sail of the boat is flying and it flies more when it gets near you.

'ashat estanny rayha fenn: you are on the beach, wait where are you going.
Dana leeky baghanny ghenwteen: for you, I'm singing two songs
Ghenwa 'an el aha we el haneen : one song for the nostalgia
We ghenway le'neeky ya haneen: and another song for you darling
Ah ya shamandoura labsa top : oh you shamandura wearing a dress
Ya agmal mn el sora dob ya dob: you are more beautiful than the picture
Ya asmar ya samara dobt dob: oh you swarthy, I dwell in you/your heart (because his beloved is from the south and most of the people have a dark skin )
Ya 'yon addara 'ala el elob: oh you have the killing eyes
Ah ya shamandoura sabry tal: oh you shamandura, I've been patient for so long
Roddy we gawebeny 'aa soaal: reply and answer the question
We etloby we etmany law mohal: wish and ask for anything even if it is impossible
Mel'en we el nenny ya ghazal: literally means from my eyes and pupil, you gazelle. (from my eyes used when you want to tell someone that you are willing to do the things he/she asked you to do)
