Misreading Thread Titles


I just browsed through 'new posts' and read "Tribal Idol 2010 Zombies" instead of Tribal Idol 2010 nominees! I have no idea how I can read zombies in the word nominees LOL.


Super Moderator
:lol::lol: Well maybe there are some zombies out there dancing. I have misread titles before today, and have done a double take at what I thought a title was, so you are not alone


I'm curious what you thought the title was, or is it too improper to post on OD?

Anyone else has funny misread thread titles?


Super Moderator
It was a while ago now and I can't remember exactly what it was. I just remember thinking that I either needed to wear glasses or get more sleep:lol:


Super Moderator
Just did it now, title of thread Shaabi Music - I read Shabby (spelt: shabbi) Mystic, mind you the brain is hardly in gear yet, haven't finished that first morning cup of coffee


Hehe, misreading the title about misreading titles.... my brain is not functioning yet, more green tea needed!!!!

Farasha Hanem

New member
oO;;;; Just came back from the Pagans thread. I didn't misread a title, but I misread a word in Shanazel's post. I could have sworn she said, "rabbittrousers" (rabbit trousers). Oo


New member
Not a thread title, but there's a shop on my route home called Mountain Warehouse and after a long day at work, maybe it's the way the sign is laid out or something, but I read "ho" instead of the "a" in warehouse. :shok:

(snort: Mountain Warehouse... "I'll have a Kilimanjaro please, and have you had that delivery of Everests yet?" "Hang on a mo, I'll have to check out the back..." :D)


Super Moderator
Aniseteph, Lol at your whole post, and that's whole with an "L" not an "R" ;)

Love that Mountain warehouse! I would definitely shop for some nice medium sized mountains for this very, very flat country. I miss the peaks and valleys of my birthcountry...


New member
and sometimes

as well as misreading titles (lol), there is also the tendency to read what one says in a context or perceiving an attitude, which they didn't intend put across in a post. and when responding to something, to differ in opinion, to question a statement, or to inquire into what is actually being meant, is often interpreted to be confrontational or even defensive. when one is simply being articulate and straighfoward.:)
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New member
Only too true Ababalond!

One word I always misread is 'Shopfitters' - I always think it says 'Shoplifters'!
I remember one thread here was entitled 'pink bits' - I swear it had more readers on it than any other, but it was actually about tassels!


New member
Not a thread title either, but I once accidentally read a clients name at work as "poop here"...:shok: I know it's awfully silly, but while executing a serious job I had to control my snorting through the entire conversation and laughed out really loud when the telephone call ended.....:lol:


New member
Not a thread title either, but I once accidentally read a clients name at work as "poop here"...:shok: I know it's awfully silly, but while executing a serious job I had to control my snorting through the entire conversation and laughed out really loud when the telephone call ended.....:lol:

those little funny things, when work is trying, make the day go by nicely.


New member
Only too true Ababalond!

One word I always misread is 'Shopfitters' - I always think it says 'Shoplifters'!
I remember one thread here was entitled 'pink bits' - I swear it had more readers on it than any other, but it was actually about tassels!

i recall posting a thread, where i'd spelt hafla as halfa, is was asking about saqarah in london i think, the term was relatively new to me. the problem is if you make a typo like that, you can't edit the title as you could your post for instance.