Ya Wad ya Teel clip with translation


New member
I love this song, and found someone had uploaded the song with the translation in English, now I finally know what Soad has been singing. If you've seen the lyrics elsewhere then please ignore! However, I thought this movie came out in 1972 and not 1966 but could be wrong...



New member
Thanks for posting this! As you know but others may not, it's from the 1972 movie "Khalli Balak Min Zouzou". It's been a looong time since I saw that very enjoyable movie! ZouZou's not-quite-retired belly dancer mother is played by Taheya Carioca who dances for a few seconds in one scene.


New member
Thanks Leyla! Forgot to add the movie name and I thought it came out in 1972 since it was the year I was born, so how could I forget, lol!!