balancing choreography and drills


New member
okay, right now I am learning Jennas 2end choreographie from her dvd " Next level" or something like that.

whew. its over 6 minutes long. ouch. :shok:

add to that the fact that she doesn't always break everything down.

so now my quesition is how do i balance out pracising choreography, along with choreographies that I already know, with drilling?

I am very much looking for "balance" with my belly dancing.

I guess I should also mention that I'm a "retired" belly dancer and no longer perform but still want to learn more and just dance for myself at home.



New member
You forgot to mention improvisation - if you only dance at home it is even more important to just put on some music and do what you feel. Who will ever see the perfectly learnt choreography.

that said, the amount I actually drill as opposed to following depends on how long I am giving myself for a session. 10 minutes will be drills - especially shimmy drill.

A longer session could be a workout to Jillina's Shape Up and Hip Out, or Luscious, or it could be learning a choreo or practising one that I know.

For actual drills, there is not only driling individual moves, but als the kind of drilling from Drills, drills, drills where you are practising doing 2 things at once. you can drill combinations or short combos to concentrate on transitions.

As for how much you should practise what - only you can say. JUst make it varied enough.


New member
oh I still just improvise and dance dance dance, literally, like no ones looking, lol.

but I have noticed that the more I learn, the better my dancing is.

My own hubby was quite surprised when he'd seen me dance that I hadn't been dancing longer - so I think thats a good thing.