You know you are a bellydancer when....


New member
You know you're a bellydancer when your significant other takes notes of your dancing commitments in order to be able to attend and take pictures without you telling him anything.


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Ariella said:
Oscars? Is that like bellydance superstars, but only with guys named Oscar?

Yeah, I think so! What else could that be?:think:

You know you're a bellydancer when all you do during the week is dance, dance dance!!! (practise, classes, workshops, working for dance school admin and stuff. lol:lol: ) and sometimes you forget you even have a life next to it (though it's small lol)


New member
- your friend asks you a question and there is music on in the background, so you answer the question with dancing instead of words, and then she starts looking at you strangely and you realize what you just did... yeah that just happened.


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When your non-bellydancing friends are amazed when they hear you singing/humming along with every single song played at an Oriental party.


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... while standing in front of the ice cream freezer at the supermarket trying to decide on a flavor, you find yourself performing various hips moves to the tune of Kenny Chesney & Uncle Kracker's 'When the Sun Goes Down', which is playing over the store's speaker system.:yay: Thank gawd no one came around the corner & caught me!:redface:


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...when you develop a routine to do while sitting in the car with your dancer friend:D, middle eastern music playing over the stereo system..


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When you are already thinking about having a costume remodelled that is lying in your closet, has grown too big for you and is so not your style, believing firmly you might make something out of it anyway someday...

(by the way, Queenie, I've put up pics of my new cossie in the photogallery-costume-pictures-page:cool: , do you have pics already?)


New member
You know you're a bellydancer when you start dancing to other tunes apart from Hossam Ramzy - like Alice Cooper and Marrilyn Manson!!! Yes it can be done! I've tried it and it's soooo sexy!!!:)

Also you know you're definitely one if you start fantasising about Hossam Ramzy and his wife 24/7!!!

...when you start to reanact Scherazade's Arabian Nights....:D


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You spend hours with a sketchbook designing costumes just so... even though you don't think you could ever make them...! (Or have anywhere to wear them)


New member keep hoping you'll find something in your collection of Cajun music CDs that you can actually dance to...

Allez les bon temps roleur! (Or words to that effect!)


New member
- When,after walking barefoot in your room, you notice that the bottom of your feet is covered in glitter.
- When you walk around playing air-zils and people look at you like you have a nervous tick.
- When you notice the guy waiting next to you at a red light is giving you creepy dirty looks because you were inadvertedly doing chest pops and circles in your car.
- When you go online "just to check your email" yet manage to spend an hour watching bellydance clips on youtube.
- When standing around doing nothing, you start shimmying.
- Instead of paying attention in class, you start thinking of routines, or planning your outfits for class.
- You attempt to listen to 'normal' music, but after one minute you can't take it anymore and have to play ME music.


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Here's one I caught myself doing yesterday:

Instead of covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough, you hold it over your mouth like you're going to zaghareet.


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(own experience again:) when you wake up at 4 in the morning and write an entire cane dance choreo, just because you were so inspired:lol:


New member
see if this makes sense

When you're in the car listening to the music you're learning a veil choreography for and the part of the music plays where you do some spins/turns and you're simultaneously making a turn on the road and you feel frustrated because you can't make a full turn with the music...:D


New member
...when you hear a good beat and have to move to it. Even though you happen to be in the dairy aisle of the supermarket at the time.

(Although, that's not necessarily a bellydancer-thing. I onced danced around a shop to the Pet Shop Boys using bunches of silk flowers as pompoms. :redface:)


New member
...when you find yourself obsessed with Rachel Brice

...when you look at a the rolls on your belly and think 'awesome shimmy material' instead of 'god i'm so fat'

Sstacy123 - you are hilarious!!!


New member
Jeanine said:
..when you look at a the rolls on your belly and think 'awesome shimmy material' instead of 'god i'm so fat'

I wish all women would see it that way! Then so many of them would be so much happier :clap: