
New member
I'm one of those people without a personal Facebook account, and I didn't want to create one just to vote in this competition. I have a business page on FB, but I'm quite limited as to what I can do. I can't even view private groups that I've been invited to! :mad:

I actually have no problem with the winner, but I don't care much for the voting aspect (here or on TV shows). If there's a competition then there are judges. Assuming they are qualified or they wouldn't be there in the first place - let them do their job and judge. Being allowed to participate in the final round doesn't make me feel like I'm a part of the decision, and I don't think I could have made a valid choice since I wasn't there to see everything.

The bottom line is that it's Michelle's game so it's Michelle's rules. It's the same way at work because sometimes you have to do things you don't agree with or seem to not make any sense. When it's your company you can do as you like (and then your employees will think you are the crazy one :) )


New member
In case you haven't heard they are all three going to release dvd's. Michelle Joyce posted this today,
"The results for Project Belly Dance were very, very close. There was only a span of 50 votes between first and last place. There is obviously a demand for all 3 dancers to make a DVD, so we are going to do just that. Stay tuned for DVDs from Sa'diyya, Maria and Ziva in 2013.

Yay! Congratulations to all!