Hey All - FINALLY (Belly) Dancing!


New member
Just saying hi and nice to meet you all. I've been dancing for almost all of my 52 years and just started a belly dance class back in February as a gift to me ... a long-time promise to myself. So, new to this genre and absolutely loving it (as I knew I would).

I dance just about every day and I'm a licensed dance fitness instructor, self-employed and very busy. For fun, my hubby and I go out dancing a minimum of two weekends a month; sometimes every weekend. We're "known" for our unique style: a conglomerate of our "back in the day" style (Latin hustle, disco, funk and the like) and our current love of Latin dance. People are usually stunned when they find out how old we are. We have more energy than most 30-year-olds and just about never stop dancing when we're out.

I practice belly dancing relentlessly - go to class, while brushing my teeth, while standing here typing this Meet & Greet entry. It's my desire to be really good at it, so I'm absolutely devoted. I've got an opportunity to audition for a troupe next week (I was invited), so we'll see where that goes.

Hope to get to know some of you!



Super Moderator
to the forum - nice to have you aboard. Good luck with your audition.