Egypt: current situation?


New member
Brave stuff, I can only guess the feeling is very high to do such things as females, and cultural dance and the world wide web ridiculing the government, it comes across to me as a do or die situation.


Well-known member
Caroline did some vicious name calling in the past when I dared to disagree with her; while we both chilled out on the matter, lingering antipathy colors my reaction to her personally. Not appropriate to air in public and I regret it.

I remember 2009 and how emotions here on this forum ran high at that time. A lot of interpersonal relationships were strained to the breaking point. It's unfortunate, but, I think, a natural part of how human relationships in general can evolve when tensions escalate. I think we all can tell stories of situations in the past where groups of people that we were part of disintegrated - belly dance troupe breakups, job-related implosions, groups of friends fracturing, etc.

All we can do when this happens is look back, find ways to heal, see what we can learn from the situation, and move forward.

Other than personal references to Caroline, what I said about the posting remains true.

I agree the posting had some troubling aspects. I guess we just have to do the same thing we would do with any difficult way of looking at a situation: apply critical thinking, give the other person's point of view due consideration, consider the source and what credibility that source may (or may not) have, learn what we can from the parts that resonate with us, and decide which parts we do and don't agree with. We can even learn from people we don't agree with, as they can help us crystallize our thoughts around the issue.