How do you get better when adding choreography?


Ok, now that I'm done with my grump fest from that video (it really touched a nerve apparently), I can definitely sympathize. Like others have said, it's part of the learning curve and it sucks. I'm currently experiencing my whiny phase of learning choreo. I love my teacher to death, but she likes to make things sometimes extraordinarily challenging. But, that's probably why I love her so much. We're a bit more than halfway done with a choreo and I can do it all without watching the video, except one stupid spot. So, I'm whining. I know that I'll get it so I feel like I can be harsh with myself. But it's definitely practice practice practice. Last session, I had one spot that kept getting me so I printed out that part of the notes and drilled it.

I hope it's getting better!


New member
By the way, this week, I think that the very brink of complete frustration and hopelessness, my body must have got it. I went to an extra practice and I could feel tons of improvement. Even the instructor commented. I spent an extra 15 minutes after my class going over it with my primary instructor who does everything flat footed. Going to revele was making me feel really unsteady. Some of the things she said made it click a little more. Then, I realized my steps were way too big. These little changes help me keep up a little more. Also I've stopped doing some of the hip movements. Just trying to get the footwork and armwork.