Dancing Cuisine


New member
What a better way to celebrate my 2000th post than by sharing my two passions - food and dance :lol:
I saw some clips today on TV today, called the Dancing Cuisine. It is originally an advertising campaign for a kitchenware company, but there is no sales talk in them... Instead, it is all about people teaching a recipe and dancing at the same time. There are a lot of those videos, but they are hard to find online - for example, the Moroccan tagine one with a belly dancer (who, by the way, has the most gorgeous henna paintings too). But enjoy the others I managed to sniff out

There is a little intro of 46 secs on this one, but then there are three recipes in a row


Super Moderator
So fun and cute!

It reminds me of this:
(Not sure if I first saw it here or somewhere else.)



New member
Haha, I have heard of the human sushi clip, but I hadn't seen it before...
More dance and creativity into the advertising world!!!