New to Forum, not to dance


New member
Hello, all!

I got started *gasp* almost 10 years ago with Habiba in Philadelphia. But circumstances conspired against me so it's been more off than on since then. I recently just started up again, but now ATS instead of Cabaret.

Basically, I'm a costumer. I love costume, making costumes, and all that fun stuff. The cool costumes attracted me to dance. I was a little leary of the cabaret costumes then I saw an ATS group at a Hafla (I'm thinking it was Fleur of Philly Tribal) and thought the tribal style costumes were cool.

I've been studying dance weekly with Ak-Ana and Hipnosis, two local tribal troups, since September.

What else? I teach chain maille and beading classes at local bead and craft stores to help feed my costume habit. I've started vending at local Haflas (since I'm still too shy to dance). My table at the last event can be seen here.


New member
welcome, Atlanta! I'm glad you've found your way back to dance! and I hope you'll be sharing lots of costuming tips over the board ;):lol:


New member
Oh, I will be sure to post costuming stuff! Big problem of mine, talking too much about stuff I'm in to. I'm working on tons of beaded tassels right now for workshops - how to do beading and how to make tassels. I guess I'll have to post info when I'm done them, eh?:lol: