No you-tube sightings...


New member
Hi.,.. all of the sudden... the still photo of the you-tube video. (on the threads for the you-tube videos) are no longer showing up... but by the comments, other people are seeing (& clicking on! them.... how / what do I need to know/do to fix this???



I ran through a bunch of the video clip threads in that forum and the still pictures were all displaying so it sounds as if it is localized to you - anyone else having that same problem?


New member
ok stupid ???? how do I check if it is my browser (or even figure out WHO MY browser is)....?? I have my internet service thru sbc global..... (or whoever they got absorbed by (at&T??).. does this have to do with a "browser"?
(sorry..... but yes I am blonde)


New member
oh... it started w/ the shik/shak/shok videos.... I just assumed cause there were soooo many videos ( so went to a couple of dif threads & they (at that time!) worked)...,. it was just slow.... (& it (video"access") has come & gone..... sometimes the photos show up.... but in the case of the S/S/S videos... would not load (but did not freeze up the rest of the computer)).... & NOW days later... seems like NO videos are showing up
thanks !


New member
Belly_dancer, when you click on the icon in order to use internet, do you click on a blue "e" or on a blue and orange icon? The blue "e" is Internet Explorer, the blue and orange is Firefox (I don't know any other browsers, also no expert here).

I have firefox myself and I can still see the videos. Do you have a slow internet connection? Then maybe it takes some time before the pictures appear.