Truth and a Lie, Pick the lie!


Ooooh, not only had Moon never gotten drunk, she has a hard time lying!

I'm losing track here:

I hope Aniseteph ran naked through the Siberian forest and jumped in a lake.

Sara is right- first published at 13.

Pooh on Sara's Rom insulting teacher.

True or false:

We stayed in our house during one of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit South Texas

I was a hippie belly dancer in SanFrancisco's Haight/Ashbury during the late 1960s.


New member
Hm... first? If so- scary stuff

1) I once got lost at my work which is a Museum, and then got stuck in a cupboard cause I forgot the door locked.

2) I got caught on security camera's with my mates drunken-ish dancing on a wall and it was then played at college to discourage other people.


This looks fun. I seem to remember you saying you had blond hair before on other discussions, so I'll go with the first statement. That's the lie.

Zurah, you guessed right :)

I see this has already gotten to 3 pages while I was away!

Sara, I think the second is true.

New one:


I walked on hot charcoals

I got stuck in a tree once.
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New member
Amulya, I think you got stuck in a tree once :D (sorry but that really sounds funny)

- I arrived at school an hour too early today.
- I entered the wrong lecture hall today and got really weird looks.


New member
Moon: umm, I'll go for the second one, I think that's the lie.

My turn:

- I have two drawerfuls of accessories (earrings, charms and such) at home.

- A small local paper once interviewed me for a full page article.


New member
truth and a lie,pick the lie

ok i think you been in that paper,...but you dont have the 2 drawers full???

ok my two cents for Amulya...
1 ... i have visit 46 country,s traveling and performing
2....i have almost been jailed and deported for saving a chimpansee.....


New member
Okay let's see if I can get it straight here....
truths- stuck in a tree, wrong lecture hall (I'm just sayin' it cuz it happened to me and it was quite funny), accessories (every girl needs accessories!) and 46 countries (oooh, I WISH!)

my turn, hehe

I sang the national anthem at a Miami Heat game, before they won the championship (basketball for those of you non-sporty types, hehe)
I came dangerously close to being killed playing chinese fire drill (where you get out of the car and run around, switching seats like a bunch of idiots) when the light changed, angry motorists started whizzing by, and I got locked out of the car.
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New member
Arriving an hour too early was the truth.

I think Zurah has a lot of accessories, Lydia visited 46 countires and Michelle was dangerously close to being killed :eek:


Amulya walked on coals, Michelle sang the national anthem, Lydia saved a chimpanzee, Zurah was interviewed.

1. I never took a fall while rock climbing and caving

2. I tripped on a log while camping and fell head first into a stump.

Right, Sara: We stayed in our house during Hurricane Carla when I was seven. It was a wild ride.
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New member
Let's see if I'm right: Lydia has visited 46 countries, Michelle sang the national anthem at the Miami Heat game, and Shanazel never took a fall while rock climbing and caving. As for me, the first one is right, the second is the lie - the one interviewed was my mother, for a section on local women business owners :)

- I'm great at balancing cane.

- I recently saw Queen Sophia of Spain at a trade fair in Madrid.

Which one is the lie?


New member
This thread is getting so confusing - I'm going to have to go back and take notes!

My true one WAS the naked Siberian forest thing.

OK... Sara caught by security cameras, Amulya walked on charcoal, Zurah got interviewed, Lydia saved a chimp, Michelle played with the traffic, and Shanazel never fell off a rock. Still slightly disappointed Shanazel wasn't a hippy belly dancer in 60's Haight-Ashbury - that's possibly the grooviest thing I ever heard (man).


New member
truth and a lie,pick the lie

hhhhhmmmmm,Aniseteph,,, i hope its the siberian lake ! Amulya walked on coles...shanazel..haha you tripped ,i can just see it....zurah i think you saw the queen ?
For me i have visit only 42 country,s so that was a lie
The chimp story is treu !!
bdw ..nice to know that you are better Amulya..take care Lydia


New member
truth or lie ?

1. I was in an egyptian jail for 6 months

2. On that trip I wrote about in the tales/memoires thread I twisted my knee and now i can't even walk properly


New member
Yup- sadly I was sooooo :eek:

Erm.... the jail?

I got told off by the previous leader of a political party cause my shirt was out and my tie not done properly.

If me mam ant of called me Sara I'd have been called Trudy Marie-Claire.



First, Shanazel did indeed fall off a twenty foot wall while caving in the Big Horn Mountains- got only bruises while the trip into the stump gave her a nasty headwound.

Sara was almost Trudy
Demelza was in jail
Zurah saw Queen Sophia


New member
Nope- it was the top. And it was a conservative too! :( He wo an alreyt guy in end though.

Int that the luck though? Fall of a huge drop and you're alright, trip over and you're been rushed away?


Amulya, I think you got stuck in a tree once :D (sorry but that really sounds funny)

No I didn't, I walked the hot charcoals:D

New one:

I once lived on banana's for 2 weeks because of lack of other food.

I was very good at gymnastics at school.
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New member
Ha !!! Sara and Shanazel.........I WAS NOT IN AN EGYPTIAN JAIL FOR 6 MONTHS !!!!! THANKYOU VERY MUCH!!!! (i was in for just one a was awfull !)

I DID injure my knee on the trip....well actually I think I first injured it the previous night doing some random dance move but I twisted it again on the way to Ras Abu Galum, and now I have it in a tubi-grip and it's hurting like mad !! (any advice is welcome)


1. My first car was an old MORRIS MINOR and when I was 17 I ran over the school dinner lady in it

2. I have 7 sisters and 5 brothers all of whom are older than me
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New member
I think Amulya was good at gymnastics at school and Demelza ran over the dinner lady?

- Since I live in a city with many students, my bike has been stolen twice
- Right after my birth, the health visitor suggested one of my toes could be amputated.