Pretty much this. I consider myself to be at the very least "feminist friendly", being all for gender equality, etc, etc, blah, blah. But this article overthinks the whole thing, methinks. Makes my brain feel like its stuffed with cotton. And I'm always wary of anyone who quotes Buonaventura, but that's just me.Honestly? At the risk of sounding unsophisticated and ignorant, it made my brain hurt. I can kind of see where the writer was coming from, but there were just way too many factors for me to take in all at once. I'm not trying to prove anything, I just want to learn and share this wonderful dance I've loved since I was a little girl.
B-Buona-WHO? o_0
Wendy Buonaventura, author of 'Serpent of the Nile', a book notable for its creative approach to evidence (i.e. she often doesn't have any at all to back up her claims), and for presenting opinions as facts throughout. It's poorly researched, inaccurate, and propagates loads of myths, but gets quoted as if it's a reliable source all the damn time because she managed to get it published by a proper publisher and it's a pretty shiny book with nice pictures.
It's a GREAT coffee table book.
Not to be confused with a coffee table dance!
It's a good job I wasn't drinking coffee or it would have come out of my nose.
Wendy Buonaventura, author of 'Serpent of the Nile', a book notable for its creative approach to evidence (i.e. she often doesn't have any at all to back up her claims), and for presenting opinions as facts throughout. It's poorly researched, inaccurate, and propagates loads of myths, but gets quoted as if it's a reliable source all the damn time because she managed to get it published by a proper publisher and it's a pretty shiny book with nice pictures.
That would be the Bedouin of the Chocolate favourite error was 'Bedouin of the dessert'...