This is the first time in three days I've actually felt comfortable posting a response to this thread... But I think the answer to THIS question goes back to what Tiziri said a couple pages back. There's still so much "mystery" surrounding belly dance (this, in hindsight, is not what she said at all, but she went into the Orientalist visions that were skewed by racism and ignorance, and that's what I'm mostly referencing), people don't understand it, or just assume it's sleazy; and then half the people who do understand it fuse it with something else and make it something different and then present THAT to the GP as "belly dance", so that the GP gets confused. And then they start seeing all these things presented at Renaissance Festivals, and on competition style reality shows, and truth isn't really represented in either of those venues. So the truth becomes what makes the most sense in your head at the time, even if it's not really based on anything concrete, beyond someone shaking their hips to some bagpipes, or contorting in front of painted pyramids. I think the only Westerners watching Dina and Fifi on youtube are other (or aspiring) belly dancers.
Yes, there's definitely the Orientalist element that is all about piercing the veil as in uncovering the occult, and the longstanding notion that The Mysterious And Ancient East is the fount of mystickal knowledge that is Lost In The Mysts of Tyme for all but the brave esoterists who dare to dig around in its sacred scrolls ... which gets tied also to the physical manifestation of that in so many eyes, the revealed Oriental body. Which, voila, wriggles about in a way that is either dirty and debased OR some kind of code that, once cracked, will open a direct portal to Sirius. Or both. Or whatever.
I went through my Robert Anton Wilson phase, once upon a time...