I believe I understand what you are saying, Kharis, but I think you are forgetting some fundamentals: Things like politics and arts have their origins in religion. Therefore, they are forever joined at the hip. I think you may be referring to the way in which politics/arts are abused in the name of religion.Religion, like politics, has no place in the entertainment arts. God, I so wanted to stick Billy Bragg's songs up his bum and put a match to them. And as for Sinead O'Connor.....! I do feel that song and dance should be done for the joy of it and share in that joy with others....not a platform for someone to start spouting off from. Where's me flameproof drawers..?
One easy example, at least in the U.S., where many cry about "separation of church and state" being in the Constitution. Well, the Ten Commandments are on the doors of the U.S. Supreme Court. As well, most courtrooms have the phrase "In God We Trust" on the wall.
Religion and arts/entertainment? That, too, is easy for me. Everytime I write an Order of Worship, I consider the staging of the various parts of the service, much like an entertainer will consider the staging of events in a variety show. Dance? We have liturgical dance. As well, there are Christian belly dancers (just to stay on topic