Belly dance and religion

maya m

New member
I didn't mean to offend you ladies, and also didn't said that bd was a religion -so I'm sorry if we had a misunderstanding. I sad it origins from a paganic ritual, and also that I - as a Christian, feel in my heart, that as a temple of the living God, as God said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people" - (I'm really not a fanatic:)) can't feel comfortable participating in this dance. That's just my inner sense.
I don't think it's evil or enything like that :) And I'm deeply sorry if you find my post offensive, because that really wasn't my intention, and I appologize if it came out that way :) I don't have the intention of dispute with you, so I hope...that we all will listen to that inner voice of Love inside of us, which will certainly lead us to peace and achievement. By, and God bless you ;)


Super Moderator
I didn't mean to offend you ladies, and also didn't said that bd was a religion -so I'm sorry if we had a misunderstanding. I sad it origins from a paganic ritual, and also that I - as a Christian, feel in my heart, that as a temple of the living God, as God said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people" - (I'm really not a fanatic:)) can't feel comfortable participating in this dance. That's just my inner sense.
I don't think it's evil or enything like that :) And I'm deeply sorry if you find my post offensive, because that really wasn't my intention, and I appologize if it came out that way :) I don't have the intention of dispute with you, so I hope...that we all will listen to that inner voice of Love inside of us, which will certainly lead us to peace and achievement. By, and God bless you ;)

I wasn't the least bit offended and I didn't see anyone else acting offended. I just feel sorry for you that you have been so misinformed about bellydance. But as Yame said "It's your loss".


Super Moderator
I wasn't the least bit offended and I didn't see anyone else acting offended. I just feel sorry for you that you have been so misinformed about bellydance. But as Yame said "It's your loss".

I agree, Gisela. .... Oh I am not Christian, but I don't dance to any God/Goddess real or imaginary, I dance for the enjoyment, the fun we have, the sparkly costumes, the great music, the entertainment factor, the friendships and probably because deep down inside I have a smidgen of Diva in me;)

My dance colleagues follow various belief systems, Christianity, no beliefs, Muslim & Buddhist that I know of.


Shanazel the pagan here. I wasn't offended, but I am somewhat mystified since you apparently signed up on the forum for the sole purpose of repudiating belly dance in the name of Christianity.

It is a blasphemy and idolatry for a Christian to practise this pagan ritual, because it is said: "I am the Lord thy God, Thou shalt have no other gods before me." The dance; fun, assertive and amusing as it may can be, is a violation of God's words. This is the truth.

My troll-o-meter is going off.
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Farasha Hanem

New member
I agree, Gisela. .... Oh I am not Christian, but I don't dance to any God/Goddess real or imaginary, I dance for the enjoyment, the fun we have, the sparkly costumes, the great music, the entertainment factor, the friendships and probably because deep down inside I have a smidgen of Diva in me;)

My dance colleagues follow various belief systems, Christianity, no beliefs, Muslim & Buddhist that I know of.

Yes, I believe that's what this thread was originally about.

Maya, I say this with all gentleness, the others are right. You have been grossly misinformed about bellydance. Bellydance did not spring from ancient goddess worship. If you're going to make a statement like that, you need to have documentation. Where did you get your information? Not everything out there is accurate, especially on the Internet. Books aren't any better. I have 4 or 5 books on bellydance, and all of them have inaccuracies. Even some of my instructional DVD's adhere to the ancient Goddess worship inaccuracy. And in case this might be in the back of your mind, you can't even use the Bible as proof. Many use Matthew 14:6 as "evidence" of bellydance back in Biblical times, but it simply states, "But when Herod's birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced (boldface mine) before them, and pleased Herod." Mt. 14:6, KJV. The Bible is silent on what kind of dance she did. Certainly, it "pleased Herod," but not a word about the type of dance, no "seven veils," nada.

I'm very happy that you have found joy in Christ, and yes, follow what the Lord leads you to do. I think your heart is indeed in the right place, and your intentions are good, but 1. as in Christian apologetics, make sure of your sources in any field of study, and not just parrot what you've heard/seen/read. "Study to show thyself approved," not only in the Word of God, but on any subject. 2. the best way to be a witness is to live what you believe. Too many good-intentioned but ill-prepared Christians go out into the world thinking they can convince someone else to become saved and follow Christ. As much as I'm sure you love the Lord, Maya, you cannot force others to become Christian. God does the work, not us. If we try to do it, we're going to fail.

In short, walk the walk, don't just talk the talk. And do your homework. :)

OH! I apologize, everyone, for getting on my soap box, and getting us somewhat off-topic. Now back to our regularly scheduled thread...


New member
Tjeez, props for farasha for being so sweet and patient!

The thing thats irritates me the most is that IMO Maya is not only not understanding bd, but also christianity. If you are sincere you should first of all study your own believes correctly and thoroughly. If you are really convinced you are interpreting it right(and have a little more proove then 'intuition') I would be more then willing to discuss it in a open matter.(different tread then). But I doubt it to be honest, sorry if I`m wrong but you sound like the girl 'that hears the sermon but doens`t know where it came from'


Super Moderator
Shanazel the pagan here. I wasn't offended, but I am somewhat mystified since you apparently signed up on the forum for the sole purpose of repudiating belly dance in the name of Christianity.

My troll-o-meter is going off.

My thoughts exactly Shan Kind of a 'hubble-bubble-toil & trouble' post & unnecessary, to join a forum to post such thoughts.

I must mention, that yes my beliefs are centred around Goddess (why should a single male God have all the fun;)). But my dancing totally isn't, as I mentioned in a previous post that is totally outside of what I do and don't believe.


"The Veiled Male"
Shanazel the pagan here. I wasn't offended, but I am somewhat mystified since you apparently signed up on the forum for the sole purpose of repudiating belly dance in the name of Christianity.

My troll-o-meter is going off.

I just see this as yet another manifestation of the usual Xian "NIH" (Not Invented Here) mentality...

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
I just see this as yet another manifestation of the usual Xian "NIH" (Not Invented Here) mentality...

Me too. And while I am a Christian I was not offended although I am confused as to what maya m's point is because this is not what the thread is about. If a person is offended by bellydance that is their perogative, but why come here?

I am feeling the "troll" vibe myself, unfortunately.


New member
All of the time I was dancing I had a feeling that the dance isn't in accordance with my faith in our Lord Jesus Christ...not because of the costumes,or the sensual moves - but because the moves and movements of the dance, I now realize, come from a pagan ritual of worshiping the goddess of Earth - the Mother Earth. It's origin is in pagan, polytheistic religion, which cannot interconnect with Cristian worship of our Lord. It is a blasphemy and idolatry for a Christian to practise this pagan ritual, because it is said: "I am the Lord thy God, Thou shalt have no other gods before me." The dance; fun, assertive and amusing as it may can be, is a violation of God's words. This is the truth. The discovery shocked me, and I've decided to quit as soon as possible. I just wanted to share with you my experience, and I repeat, I don't have ANYTHING against the belly dance itself, or the persons who practise it, OR ANY OTHER RELIGIONS. I just want to share my Christian beliefs with you.

Thank you, and God bless you.;)

Im not a christian, but I grantee you most the Christians that read this post of yours will cringe at your post, and disagree with you. Both christians and none Christians know your some radical troll, who probably needs to switch her place of worship because they are teaching you to be paranoid, of the silliest things. Im not trying to be rude but churches that act like yours can be a bit...odd...reminds me off a church a freind got sucked into that thinks cement garden frogs would bring satan into your home.
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New member
I didn't mean to offend you ladies, and also didn't said that bd was a religion -so I'm sorry if we had a misunderstanding. I sad it origins from a paganic ritual, and also that I - as a Christian, feel in my heart, that as a temple of the living God, as God said: "I will dwell in them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people" - (I'm really not a fanatic:)) can't feel comfortable participating in this dance. That's just my inner sense.
I don't think it's evil or enything like that :) And I'm deeply sorry if you find my post offensive, because that really wasn't my intention, and I appologize if it came out that way :) I don't have the intention of dispute with you, so I hope...that we all will listen to that inner voice of Love inside of us, which will certainly lead us to peace and achievement. By, and God bless you ;)

Pagans were around a long time before belly dance as we know it. Your post is not offensive just shows ignorance.

Farasha Hanem

New member
For all those whose trolly senses are tingling, I do believe that Maya is not trying to be a troll, not on purpose. I believe she's simply trying to follow her heart and do what she feels is right, but she's going about it in the wrong way, in the wrong forum, and has fallen for the same misconceptions about bellydance that many of us have fought against for so long. Maya has gotten some misinformation about the dance, which is very unfortunate. Of course, the decision to educate herself about bellydance is entirely up to her; we can no more convince her to research that info than she can convince a non-Christian to become a Christian. I hope, though, that she chooses to stay with us and learn.


New member
I hope, though, that she chooses to stay with us and learn.

true hopefully, and I know it sounds harsh but if its her church teaching her these things hopefully she will find another Christian Church that don't come up with an unfortunate and misleading source of information.

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
true hopefully, and I know it sounds harsh but if its her church teaching her these things hopefully she will find another Christian Church that don't come up with an unfortunate and misleading source of information.

This is something she has to work out on her own. I never told any church that I bellydance; in fact, a couple of my Christian bellydance friends did (in addition to having tattoos) and got some flack. Needless to say, they are looking for other churches. I don't see what my dancing has to do with my Christian beliefs but as Farasha said, this may expand to a new thread.


New member
Religion can be a very dangerous thing, as it can heal, it can also destroy and by that I mean those who are gullibly sucked in by cryptic iterpreted and misinterpreted teachings from the past. If a person is with faith, they may seek their own way with their god, as to follow other's words can be very dangerous.

To illustrate, a very dear female friend of mine broke with the church based upon it's intent with it's teachings. You see, she was a lay preacher, a theologian and an Alpha course instructor, her argument was that in her capacity as a religious instructor, she was being asked to find the weaker minded of those that came to seek answers and there for want of a better word, indoctrinate those weaker minds into believing all that the Alpha course was set up to do. She criticised where the church was focusing it's intent and in her words, some of those that came in search of answers were so gullible and quite definately had issues with mental health. Her thoughts were that the church was creating religious fanatics, who may become a danger to others.

My friend is still a very devout christian, but she keeps away from religion, as religion is very clearly organised control of mind and through mind, body and an adherants very life.


New member
I think all relegious fundamentalist from every relegion would not accept bellydance.

Im not positive but I think dancing is a sin in christianty. I think its a sin in Islam too but sufi's dance so Im not sure, it might be dancing withing the same gender is okay. Hinduism its okay to dance, probably not bellydance or hip hop, or anything like that. but at temples there is dancing.

But really I think that all relegion fundamentlist look at dancing as bad and a sin. :confused:

da Sage

New member
I think all relegious fundamentalist from every relegion would not accept bellydance.

Im not positive but I think dancing is a sin in christianty. I think its a sin in Islam too but sufi's dance so Im not sure, it might be dancing withing the same gender is okay. Hinduism its okay to dance, probably not bellydance or hip hop, or anything like that. but at temples there is dancing.

But really I think that all relegion fundamentlist look at dancing as bad and a sin. :confused:

There are a couple of Psalms about praising the Lord with dancing. I don't know of any passages against dancing. ;)


New member
I am a christian and I will never say what god thinks as I am not he, I follow and love him, I have never learned from the teachings of god not to dance when I do Middle eastern dance or any style connected to it I do it as a art, not for sex or sin, I do not follow what the church says about many things because to me they are just men and are not God (this is one reason I do not go to church) God is in everything I do not need a building to feel God who is in my heart. I Belly Dance and am a Christian I think It is fine but some may think other wise.