I'm working on my belt now and i had idea decorate it with mirrors. Problem is i get my mirrors today from glass shop and realise that they are rather thick (4mm) and heavy. Would mirrors like that work well on belt or should i choose another decoration? Any tips?
You might want to consider the little mirrors they sometimes use in Indian cholis and textiles. I think they are called "shisha" mirrors. I have a choli that has ones that seem like glass mirros and I have seen others that are made of something else (possibly a thin metalic material).
"Shisha" means "mirror" and the type of embroidery that involves attaching shisha to fabric is called shishadur. You can find instructions in any number of books on embroidery. If you are interested, let me know, and I'll give you some titles. Essentially, you fasten the shisha to the fabric with several long stitches that form a box to hold the shisha in place, then add other decorative stitches that pull the box into a circle around the shisha. It takes a bit of patience to get the hang of it, but it can be great fun once you have the technique down. You can sometimes find shisha in embroidery shops. The traditional ones are irregular in shape with imperfections in the shisha themselves. I find these much more attractive than modern mirrors punched in perfect circles. When I find a supply source, I purchase a bunch of them in all sizes. I have also seen people use very large sequins with this technique, but the result is not as spectacular- nothing throws light like shisha. I have a skirt completely covered in them and it is glorios to wear under lights or out in the sun.
I really wonder what will turn out of my belt. Anyway is fun to make
As there is not shops with real shisha mirrors (only thease ready made with bleak metal inside, not wery nice) i cut regular mirror and now i'm trying find out how to add extra stiches or something for security, i'm afraid that because of mirror thickness shisha stiches need aditional suport.
Make sure to back your belt with something really sturdy, like buckram or several layers of cotton organdy, otherwise the weight of regular mirrors will eventually stretch and maybe even tear the ground fabric. You might want to put a drop of fabric glue to hold each shisha in place before you stitch it on. I don't do this, being something of an embroidery purist, but it makes life and stitchery much easier for those who haven't done a lot of embroidery. I don't know if you would have access to the same books in Latvia that we have here, but if you like, I could tell you what stitches to use. Just send me a private message and I'll see what I can do.