Choreography game

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Another member posted this in the last forum. Let's revive it!

Dancer begins by walking out onto the stage, circling twice, greeting her audience, poses and does a series of hip, rib, head circles layered with Egyptian shimmy and goes into relaxed hip lift/drops on the right hip.


New member
one big circle to the right and goes into 3 hip slides to the left and a lift drop, sweep of the right foot to undulate forward


Can I as BOB member make it a bit funny:p ?

dancer does reverse camel with awful chunky chest drop afterwards then walk 4 steps forward with uncoordinated bouncy hip drops.

he he, of course this dancer has a matching costume ;)


New member
All the time this dancer is swishing her hair like crazy and is focussing hard on a nice, slutty expression on her face to match her costume.

Than she picks up a veil from the ground and starts swirling it as if she desperately wants to lose it, but can't because it's glued to her hands.

Suddenly, another dancer climbs the stage. She tackles the "BOB's worst nightmare"-dancer with her own veil and starts dancing herself, starting with horizontal figure eights.


New member
BOB dancer raises one arm gracefully while her other arm frames her figure-eights, which transition to L hip drops. At the same time, she is joined by her cat familiar onstage, who swishes her tail elegantly in a figure eight.

(remember the cat dancing thread in the old forum?)


New member
audiance is in awe of the BOB dancer and her flashing eyes ...
she pauses.....
The music within is building and they wait with baited breath...
the veil is lifted left arm up ,right framing hip and she drops five times with extended hip then pivots backwards to face other side and repeats move right up ,left down......


New member
ok if no one wants to dance with me I am happy to dance solo............

BOB dancer turns to face the front right keft hip drops bordering on a shimmy the tempo builds right left hip drops bordering on a shimmy a cresendo AND.......


New member
drops to the floor, knees behind her...back to the floor...lifting her stomach up slowly doing belly rolls...she moves to her knees and does a large figure eight...


New member
she steps out with her left and pulls up to standing with her right, bringing arms slowly overhead, palms facing out, front of hands touching she executes 2 slow downward hip 8's, she pauses for a count, sweeps the right foot behind her and does a left hip drop, she sweeps back with the left and does a right hip drop, she repeats to complete the 8 count, she lowers her arms to neutral while sweeping the right foot out to the right side and sliding the hips to the left, she pushes her hips forward, then slides to right and completes a bouncing hip circle while sweeping the arms forward and back out to neutral...
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