Hi! I have a question, esp regarding remarks of Shanazel and of Gia -- These comments are wonderful and helpful, too. However, for any verbal explanation of flutter, I am not happy with what I see in the mirror, I am doing. Shanazel -- controlling flutter w/ muscles rather than breathing -- I am inclined to this way because those I have seen on excellent dancers that I consider really a great flutter are this and I can tell the dancer is almost certainly "holding breath" or stopping the air passage and creating that vaccuum.
Mine either looks as tho' I'm just raising and lowering my chest, OR it looks as though I am just doing a very shallow belly roll, and neither meets the definition of a stomach flutter at all... I have tried and tried and tried and tried. I am quite thin, though very muscular and have worked so much on this (as well as crunches, etc) and have good strong diaphragm (I think) and stomach muscles and control, but if it might be at all possible that some of you who have flutters "down" could possibly post a close up short video of what you are doing, that would be so great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (the verbal explanation helps but if I could see flutter as to someone doing this correctly and see what it is that would be the best.) I have studied Leyla in "21 Shimmies" DVD -- great vid and she is great, and great at explaining - but unfortunately, this flutter to me does not look quite as defined as I am going for-- So I thought I'd ask some of you who are very accomplished w/ this -- I'd really appreciate any feedback or any comments on this!! Thanks very much -- Ludy --
(PS I know it is irrelevant here but I also have a question as to how to hold a cane when twirling it in a Figure 8 in front of yourself. (I love this move and if I sort of grasp it so it will be secure, it looks a bit clumsy whereas holding it "gently" yet securely to twirl to my side is no problem at all as someone who knows showed me...)
Sounds as though you're close...
Try doing it the way I've described...by creating a vaccuum...but when your chest starts to move, REALLY raise your rib cage, as though you're doing a lift...even try arms overhead...try that and report back!
( sorry its not the right subject for this) but Gia maybe we can get you out to CT for a workshop. Im from NYc/Nj but in CT now we are lacking in teachers in traditional Rag Shaki