Happy Birthday Farasha Hanem


New member
Happy birthday !!!!!!! :dance: :yay: :yay:

It's a special day for me too.I dont know how Can I call this day.It's not my birthday but Is a special day. :D


New member

Farasha Hanem

New member
Thank you!

I'm fixing to leave for work, but wanted to give y'all a quick hugs and thank you! :D I love y'all, see you when I get back! Hugs!

Greek Bonfire

Well-known member
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FARASHA! Where are you going - to a hookah bar or bellydance club, I hope! Hope your day is EXTRA, EXTRA special!!

Farasha Hanem

New member
:shok: Oh, wow, my iPhone didn't do your messages justice when I checked in before I left for work this afternoon (and the last one before my post didn't show on my phone at all)! Thank you for all the beautiful posts and messages, they're wonderful! :D Most of all, thank you for your love and friendship. I have the best bellydance family ever! :D :yay::yay::yay::dance: Love and hugs to you all! :D



New member
I think I allready wished you an early birthday on your page, too not miss it, so here's some more belated wishes! Hope you had a great day! x