Happy World Bellydance Day everyone!


New member
:D May you have a lot of fun and dancing today.

I hope all even organisers of today will get a lot of money for the charity!

I must admit I won't be bellydancing myself today, but dancing I will.


Super Moderator
I 2nd Moon. It is also Mothers day in Australia & NZ at least, I think USA and UK has the same day as well.


New member
Have a great day! I just wish I could join Brea and others today. I am really sick and I am supposed to travel for a family event. Hugs to everyone.


New member
I 2nd Moon. It is also Mothers day in Australia & NZ at least, I think USA and UK has the same day as well.

Not the UK. Ours is in March, although it did startle my finance when he saw it online yesterday and thought it was in the UK :lol:

Happy World Bellydance Day though


New member
We had a fantastic day in Greece!!!!!!!!!
And we are sooooooooo happy that Lydia Tzigane was with us with her wonderfull, sweet, beautifull and talented students !!!
Also Ahmed Fekry from Egypt and Yanar from Turkey!!
20 greek dancers and 10 actors we had the show on Friday night, cultural event, with the minimum of charge for people to come and it was packed !!!!300 people !!! we had standing people.
On Saturday I taught a free workshop for the day for veil.
And on Saturday night, Lydia performed for us in my dance studio and we all went WOWWWWWW.
Full review later as i'm still running working !!!

We felt all sentimental special last night...
The beauty of Oriental dance lives !!!!!!

Maria Aya:D


New member
We had a fantastic day in Greece!!!!!!!!!
And we are sooooooooo happy that Lydia Tzigane was with us with her wonderfull, sweet, beautifull and talented students !!!
Also Ahmed Fekry from Egypt and Yanar from Turkey!!
20 greek dancers and 10 actors we had the show on Friday night, cultural event, with the minimum of charge for people to come and it was packed !!!!300 people !!! we had standing people.
On Saturday I taught a free workshop for the day for veil.
And on Saturday night, Lydia performed for us in my dance studio and we all went WOWWWWWW.
Full review later as i'm still running working !!!

We felt all sentimental special last night...
The beauty of Oriental dance lives !!!!!!

Maria Aya:D


Congratulations, and thank you for spreading the love of the dance!!!

*BIG hug*


New member
Hey Guys,

I did it!!! It was awesome. We had a ball. I will post pics and videos on youtube later.



New member
We too had a great hafla organized by Khaira and her colleagues - lots of performers from the Estonian belly dance scene! We had a quiz (my team won :dance:), a shimmy contest and of course, dancing!


New member
We too had a great hafla organized by Khaira and her colleagues - lots of performers from the Estonian belly dance scene! We had a quiz (my team won :dance:), a shimmy contest and of course, dancing!

Hey Maariku, are you prepearing a report? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Janaki, here's hug for you *hug* :)

Lotus Dancer

New member
Hey all,
It's going to be a great Day.
Mother's Day here in Aus, is the 2nd Sunday of the month, not the Saturday.