Hello from South Florida


New member
I'm happy to find such an awesome group..I've been reading through all the different boards and found some really interesting topics. I'm brand spanking new to belly dance (have only been taking classes for a month in person and a couple months via video) and am very quickly falling in love with it. It's not just the latest craze to me, or some "cool" fad because of the Shakira videos. It's a passion. I love the history and culture just as much if not more than the dance itself. It has also taught me to look at beauty in a whole new light.

I hope to learn more here and I look forward to getting to (e-know) you, lol.

I'll be attending the Spirit of the Tribes event in Fort Lauderdale, FL at the end of April - I'm even signing up for Rachel Brice's "excruciatingly slow" workshop - this is like a dream come true. I can't wait! Anyone else in South Florida going?


New member
Welcome Jeanine! My best friend's name is Jeanine spelled exactly like yours....it is not a common name to come by. I hope you enjoy the forum and keep enjoying your dance!


New member
Welcome to the wonderfull orientaldancer forum.
Enjoy reading and posting, special for a baby dancer this forum is a gem (and for all of us !!! )

Maria Aya, Athens Greece


New member
I'm going to do my best to make it there. I'll probably be looking at things to buy rather than doing a workshop though. :D