New member
Hi My Name is Paul White and I Run a Roman Gladiatorial Re-enactment group called Ludus Claudia . We are based in the N/E of England . Iam looking to recruit Arabic or Belly Dancers to our group to perform at Historical events , Schools , Local and National Festivals .This is our first season and things are going very well .We put on Gladiatorial Combat for the Public but would love incorperate Arabic or Belly dancing into our shows , the Dancing side of things would be left to the Dancers themselves , we would not interfere at all .
Can Anybody here on the Forum Please give me any contact Details of any Groups within The Tyne & Wear Area or would anybody be Interested themselves in Perfoming at our shows ?
You can contact me at www.roma-antiqua.co.uk or at whitehalifax@aol.com
Thank you ,
Paul .
Can Anybody here on the Forum Please give me any contact Details of any Groups within The Tyne & Wear Area or would anybody be Interested themselves in Perfoming at our shows ?
You can contact me at www.roma-antiqua.co.uk or at whitehalifax@aol.com
Thank you ,
Paul .