Hip Scarves


New member
Hello Everyone,

Do any of you know where I can hips like he ones Shakira uses (see the red hip scarf from the 2000 Latin Grammys on YouTube and the blue one from the Ojos Asi music video on YouTube)? I think she has another one made from coins (see Shakira Ojos Asi Live in Turkey (2002) on YouTube). I've looked in numerous belly dance costume sites and most of them are so big the look like shawls or they're just not quite what I'm looking for. Any advice or info on places that have them would be appreciated. Thanx. :rolleyes::think::pray:



New member
Hey edavis! I believe Shakira uses acustom made scarf there! (or a normal one that is modified!) I failed to find such one though I searched high and low(I wanted to buy one for my friend as a present). I think similar look you would get if you take a regular scarf and sow shut the spaces beween the rows of beaded/coined triangle rows!

And hey if you find one please post a link here!


New member
hey all,

Knowing I'm not the greatest artist around, I would like to try and make a hip scarf like this one, anyone got an idea on how I should get started and mostly how much fabric I need, I suppose I need a large triangular shaped piece?

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New member
hey all,

Knowing I'm not the greatest artist around, I would like to try and make a hip scarf like this one, anyone got an idea on how I should get started and mostly how much fabric I need, I suppose I need a large triangular shaped piece?


Hey Adiva why dont you start a new thread? then more ppl will see your post! I am sure Shanazel and others will have lots to say!!


Karencity, that was posted three and a half years ago and I don't know that the poster is around any more. Check out some of the sites listed under the thread about inexpensive costumes.