How's the weather?


New member
Britain in grip of arctic conditions!!!!!!!

(ie. we have a bit of snow)

So, trains have stopped, schools shut, people advised not to travel... OK it might be more serious in other parts of the country, but here there is about 1-2 inches. No wind, not that cold (about 0°C?)... are we feeble or what?


Well, I reckon if you aren't used to snow and cold, 1-2 inches can easily send traffic spinning across roads and into parked cars, buildings, and whatever pedestrians remain upright. My brother lives in south Texas and they consider anything below 70 degrees F Arctic conditions. It's all in what you are used to. I may have said this before, so forgive me if I am repeating myself, but when my mom was alive, we used to regularly compare our Wyoming weather with what they were experiencing in Arkansas. Once she said, "It is so cold here! The temperature is forty degrees and we are like to freeze to death. What's the weather up there?" I answered, "Oh, we have a mid-winter thaw and it is so warm! The temperature is up to forty degrees and I think we're going to all go for a walk along the river parkway."


New member
Britain in grip of arctic conditions!!!!!!!

The news made me laugh earlier. The headline was the same as yours, read the detail and it was London, Surrey, Sussex and Kent. Indeed "Britain" ;):lol:
Mind you I shant be laughing soon as it's on its way! We do have some snow already but not as much as you. I think we are predicted 8 inches though :shok:


New member
They always use the same headline :rolleyes:

Enough snow for a small snowman. My daughter's creation, complete with flowerpot fez.


New member
The news made me laugh earlier. The headline was the same as yours, read the detail and it was London, Surrey, Sussex and Kent. Indeed "Britain" ;):lol:
Mind you I shant be laughing soon as it's on its way! We do have some snow already but not as much as you. I think we are predicted 8 inches though :shok:

Tell me about it! I know London ground to a halt but when I talked to my colleagues in Coventry and Bristol they didn't get the excitement!!

Still, it's the thickest snow that I can remember, and in central London too! Spent the day with my friend and his puppy snuggled under the duvet watching Lost and Rocky Horror Show and eating junk food! Yay!!!


Do you all have public snow removal equipment, or does it snow so seldom that it would be cost-inefficient to have it? The town I live in does an excellent job of snow removal. Of course, some people complain about it, but then some folks would complain if you hanged them with new rope.


New member
Do you all have public snow removal equipment, or does it snow so seldom that it would be cost-inefficient to have it? The town I live in does an excellent job of snow removal. Of course, some people complain about it, but then some folks would complain if you hanged them with new rope.

That's the nail on the old head. We do have gritters and stuff, but they cope with our usual weather. They were saying on the radio last night that they could buy all the stuff like you guys have (they weren't referring specifically to you :lol:) but it would be pretty expensive for not very frequent use...

(But between you and me, so long as the southerners aren't reading, they are just a bunch of babies! We have snow in the north far more often, and we deal with it. They just like to make a fuss :rolleyes:;) I'm so not going to get away with that! :lol:)


New member
Oh you get away with it just fine from me Karena. School shut again today and I can't see why - most people are within walking distance anyway, 2 inches of snow at most... pathetic.


We have gorgeous weather today- in the forties, clear skies, gentle breeze. It would be a great day to go riding except this warm weather is melting the snow from last week's blizzard and our bentonite clay is like grease.


New member
Oh you get away with it just fine from me Karena. School shut again today and I can't see why - most people are within walking distance anyway, 2 inches of snow at most... pathetic.

Okay, Monday here in the East a lot of snow.. yet my playgroup in this tiny village on the coast hardly any. Half way to work the snow just disapeared off the ground... my workday thanks to snow: 3 tantrums :( one over the issue of mittens !!!!! (and I didn't even get time to make a snowman :mad:)
Tuesday no snow, today cold but sunny, tomorrow I have an important meeting so I'm expecting a tornado or hurricane :rolleyes:



New member
On holiday in Morocco last week, it was very chilly at night and the snow was well and truly on the Atlas mountains. Our guide asked us if it was cold at home and he supposed we have lots of snow.
"Nah," we said, " we get very little snow where we live!" Hahaha you say "Got that one wrong,Liz"
Er no blue skies, green grass around here..where's all that snow folks!?:D


New member
Pfff I had to stay overnight in Prague airport on monday, cos of 2 snowflakes fallen in Heathrow....

Gosh, it is ccccooold tough... in the house must be colder than outside....


It is clear and beautiful, 37 degrees with some wind. My daughter and borrowed-son have gone out to ride the horses. I think I will go out while it's nice and pick up some of the deadfall left over from the last windstorm. Snow is predicted again, but we are past the quarter day and I have great hopes that spring will come again.


New member
It has been raining heavily all day and I've had to go out in it 4 times...:mad:

I was thinking of posting on the What Have You Enjoyed Today thread - today I have enjoyed the times when I have not been cold and wet. But it seemed a bit negative. I feel I post too much negative stuff sometimes...

But the crocuses are coming up and the snowdrops are out. :D


Wet, sloppy, gloppy snow- no crocus or snowdrops yet, but this IS what we call spring snow around here. Winter snow is so dry it is a wonder it exists at all. I noticed that beneath the thatch the grass is beginning to green up. Shouldn't be too many months until spring now.


New member
Still mostly fine here, averaging 32c, humid with a bit of build-up cloud hanging about. I can't complain though as I work and live in air conditioned comfort. That is when the aircons work, the big one in the lounge room is out order and so is the bedroome one. Have been relying on an old style in the spare room to cut out the humidity in the house.


It is about 40 degrees Farenheit here- sunny, gentle breeze, a perfect day for a ride if the pasture is not still muddy from the last big snow. I can hardly wait to get out of this office (witness me on the internet instead of marking exhibits).