11 degrees F, -11 degrees C and still snowing. It is supposed to be below zero F tonight- brrr! Better pile all the cats and dogs on the bed for warmth tonight.
Does the desert bloom when it rain there, Lydia? Plants come out that haven't been seen in years?
What sort of landscapes do you have in Broome?
What sort of landscapes do you have in Broome?
Better weather here today- bright, cold sunshiny day and the ice is beginning to melt a bit, but footing is still uncertain. I'll be content if I can make it through the day without falling on my posterior.
Sweetie, I grew up in south Texas where everything bites, stings, or sticks, usually with toxic results. I'm hard to scare.Have I frieghtened you enough.
All I want in the world right now is to go home, have my husband make me a fire and supply me with tea while I curl up on the couch in a quilt.