Because I dont want this to spoil your romance..
On 13 February 2008, the Senate of Romania voted an amendment to the Civil Code, proposed by Greater Romania Party, to explicitly define marriage as being only between a man and a woman. Previously, the law had only used the words "between spouses". The amendment was approved with 38 votes for, 10 votes against and 19 senators abstaining.[6] It was not voted on in the Chamber of Deputies, and as new elections took place that election, the legislation died.
In May 2009, a new Civil Code was proposed by the government. The Parliamentary Subcommittee responsible for the Civil Code decided to amend the definition of marriage, mentioning explicitly that it must be "between a man and a woman". Furthermore, an amendment was passed stating that the Romanian state would not recognise foreign same-sex marriages.[7][8] The government will assume responsibility over the law, thus bypassing the parliament
:shok: you mean you didnt know?? I thought it would be common knowledge in Romania.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
:shok: you mean you didnt know?? I thought it would be common knowledge in Romania.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Welcome the the forum Remus and good luck with learning belly dance, have you found a teacher yet? I don't know if they offer different belly dance styles where you live, but if they do, it might be worth looking at different classes to see what style suits you best.
I don't think there are many countries are there that allow same-sex marriage? Even here in the UK, it's not marriage but a civil partnership and is really about ensuring rights to property.
We allow it here and they have all full rights of any person that is married. There places are also like us in that they allow same sex marriage. Argentina,Belgium,Canada,Iceland,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,South Africa,Spain,Sweden. There are other places that allow unions and co-stuff but it is not the same as full same sex marriage
Also as the others mentioned, it is probably a good thing to tone down your sexuality preference. Not saying it is wrong but it doesn't have any impact on wanting to dance or be a dancer. Plus after a while of constantly reading it it does start to get very annoying and more like you are craving attention in the wrong way.
Sorry about that. I admit, I went over the top. But I'm facing difficult times as I'm about to reveal my orientation to my parents.
Sorry about that. I admit, I went over the top. But I'm facing difficult times as I'm about to reveal my orientation to my parents.