I want mellow zills!


New member
I'd like to learn to play finger cymbals, but the ones I've heard in person make me cringe because they sound so loud, clangy and piercing.

To me, they're like mariachi bands and bagpipes -- not meant to be played indoors unless it's a cavernous space! But I'm gonna be practicing indoors in smaller rooms so I need "mellow" zills that won't give me tintinitus.

Can anyone recommend any? :think:

da Sage

New member
Try listening to the on-line clips of these zills, before you buy your favorite!

Saroyan Mastercrafts

My teacher also recommends experimenting with the position of your hands while playing. You can "cup" the sound out from your body. This is especially important if you bring your hands near your head while playing zills! :shok:


New member
I put masking tape around the edges of one set I have for practice. Keeps 'em nice and quiet. And sticky. Quiet and sticky!

And I used to practice in my car with the other set when I was stuck in traffic on my way to work, with the music up! :rolleyes: Ahem, think I better promptly follow that up with a disclaimer about safety and police...!

Or practice with "clicks" rather than full noisy ones. If you cup your hand so that the rim of your "finger" cymbal connects inside the dish of your "thumb" cymbal by using your other fingers to hold the "finger" cymbal at an angle, it makes a dull little click, but it's enough to practice with. I live in a flat and have a flatmate in the next room, and this doesn't drive him crazy as far as I can tell...


"The Veiled Male"
Saroyan "Grecians" are the mellowest ones I know of - I have a set I use in class so I don't drive my sisters nuts!


New member
I used to make zill mufflers out of old socks, and they didn’t last at all. I think it would be a waste to crochet cute little covers, because they’ll fall apart and start to clang again!