Lets go to Egypt with me to belly dance

HI dear dancers!

My name is Martina, I am from the Czech republic.

I would like to go to Cairo, Egypt to learn belly dancing. I would like to go around the 15th April 2014. I would feel safer if I had a partner - and it would be more fun!!

Would anyone of you guys like to go with me? I d like to stay month, or two....

If you are interested, write me, I will be glad.

THank you,


New member
Sorry, I can't help (apart from anything else, in NZ, we can't get travel insurance for Egypt at the moment). But do you have teachers sorted? You can't actually just turn up and "learn belly dance". There are few, if any "classes". Basically you arrange for private lessons (if they will take you) - and pay by the hour - and it is not cheap. You also need somewhere to practice and somewhere to stay. And for anything other than a drop in visit I would highly recommend you know at least basic (Egyptian) Arabic. I also assume you do have some idea of "appropriate" female behaviour in Cairo.

I would strongly recommend you connect with someone like Yasmina of Cairo - you don't have to spend the whole couple of months with her but starting at her B&B would at least point you in the right direction.
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