Male belly dancing group on flckr


Super Moderator
So nice costuming in some of the photos, like the dancer with the tray's costume & the one with the zills.


"The Veiled Male"
Thanx for this - it has several dancers I've never seen or heard of before - and of course the legendary John Compton! I've added a link to it on my links page.

Tarik Sultan

New member
Are you sure ?

Elsewhere has the dancer as male.

A khawala?

Well the original caption says its a dancing girl. I do have a picture of an Egyptian khawal though. Have to see how I can upload it. He's got 2 long braids, hennad hands, a coined headdress, lots of necklaces over a long sleeved cotten shirt and a face as hard as rock candy. As Austin Powers would say, "That's a man baby"!

I also have a picture of a Turkish kochec. Plaid shirt, fez pocket watch and a vest. Looks very similar to Tunisian male dancers outfit.