Would that be the same Constanta where the Miss Shakti contests are held?
The very same Miss Shakti contests where young women and girls are encouraged to lose their inhibitions and achieve "urinary orgasms" while being filmed by senior yogis all in order to achieve a state of being a "shakti"?
The same Constanta that is the location for the porno film Exaltation of Pee? The film that contains footage of young girls peeing on each other and playing with each other as part of the Miss Shakti "secret test".
The same film that was released without the knowledge or consent of many of the girls appearing in it?
so many coincidences.....
so many young lives ruined
edited to add
I appreciate that this post sounds like a bit of a rant
Please see my other post for context
If any of the moderators wish to contact me regarding either post you are welcome to do so
I have collated a huge amount of data regarding the issues I'm posting about here and am happy to share
I also have been researching all this info. I found this link.
sivasakti.net - The "Miss Shakti" Contest - A Contest Of Outer And Inner Beauty. Part 1
There is alot of trafficking going on in Eastern Europe. I have a good friend of mine I have known since the 80's. He moved to Europe 20 years ago. I recently got back in touch with him through myspace. He performs (is a guitarist/singer)and lives in Europe since. He actully knows an agent from a agency in Denmrk that imports Eastern BLock women to strip and prostitutute in Scandinavia(Denmark too)for like no amounts of money. He( the agent) puts them up in a so called dancers house.
Alot of stuf like this goes on.. I am always leary of international contests or clubs that is not legit events that we know of. I rather swim in my own pond thank you...
I get spam in my address that I have for contacting me for dance gigs. I get alo of that Eastern Europe cam BS...