My performance at the IBDC


New member
Here is a performance from the Saturday night show in Vegas. I wasn't familiar with this band, but they did a pretty good job of playing Aziza!

I'm upset that the camera man cut off my favorite part of the show, the balady and drum solo:( Oh well, I'm glad I finally have something on youtube since I'm not technical enough to get my video's online!:lol:

YouTube - Aradia at the Las Vegas IBDC 2007 part 2
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New member
You are a beautiful and gorgeous dancer!!! I loved the clip very very much. Tks for sharing Aradia.

Big Hug


WOW ARADIA! Beautiful performance. I am upset they cut off the video as I wanted to watch more!!!! :mad: lol. I love love love your costume, your dancing, your smile on stage... everything. Thanks for posting.