Bellydance Oz
Most of you know that the more links you have on other websites, pointing to your site, the better. That's not just because real people see them. It's because Google decides your websites "reputation" by how many other websites mention it - and that's how they decide whether to include your website in search results.
In the past, people have got links by exchanging with other sites - you put a link to my site, I'll put a link to yours. Google has got wise to that and ignores such links when judging reputation. So link exchanges are kind of pointless now.
There are two ways to get links now.
One is swapping links with people who have several websites, so they can link indirectly. For instance, you put a link to my BellydanceOz website on your site, and I'll put a link to your site on DressforBellydance. I'm happy to do those kind of links - PM me if you're interested.
The other way is guest blogging. You write a post on someone else's blog, with a link to your website and a short bio. Because you've donated a post to that blog, you don't need to do anything else for the blog owner (like reciprocating the link).
I have two blogs where I'd be very happy to accept posts - Dress for BellyDance and BellydancingDVDivas. Take a look at the site, and you'll see the kind of posts I need. Minimum post length is 300 words.
Again, PM if interested.
In the past, people have got links by exchanging with other sites - you put a link to my site, I'll put a link to yours. Google has got wise to that and ignores such links when judging reputation. So link exchanges are kind of pointless now.
There are two ways to get links now.
One is swapping links with people who have several websites, so they can link indirectly. For instance, you put a link to my BellydanceOz website on your site, and I'll put a link to your site on DressforBellydance. I'm happy to do those kind of links - PM me if you're interested.
The other way is guest blogging. You write a post on someone else's blog, with a link to your website and a short bio. Because you've donated a post to that blog, you don't need to do anything else for the blog owner (like reciprocating the link).
I have two blogs where I'd be very happy to accept posts - Dress for BellyDance and BellydancingDVDivas. Take a look at the site, and you'll see the kind of posts I need. Minimum post length is 300 words.
Again, PM if interested.