Some photos from New Year Show


New member
Hi there :)

I'm teaching a class of 60 !!!! (ok divide them in 3 groups of 20 students) 1000 km away from the place I live (i'm a nutcase)
So the group started on September, and guess what !!! the owners of the dance studio (huge studio 300 students, 10 teachers from Latin, Tango Argentino, Oriental (me) Folk Greek etc) on 5 January wanted us to dance 2 choreo's !!! as almost all the dance groups were presending something.
Well turned well great !!!!
I almost collapsed with 5 hours rehershal and 39 fever (this flu thing in Greece) but all loved it, and when we finished the first choreo the people were shouting: we want more more more !!!!
The dance Hall had around 600 people and had 6 dance floors !!! so we seperated in groups, and did the same choreo in various places in the Hall.

First choreo was a veil choreo (not my style exactly but it was WOW lol)
On the song from BDDS cd Habibi ya Albi.
Second choreo was Ah wa noss by Nancy Agram (mix of old style lebanese with modern)

The costumes was simple but efective, black trousers and blouse, golden/black belts, and for the veil, black/golden fabric that we were sewing with my mother for 10 hours to make the 60 veils :shok:

I'm very happy that all the girls enjoyed it, same as the audience, it was a nice start for them :)

Just some photos


New member
Good to hear things went so well Maria! You all look beautiful, I wish the pictures were larger.


Good grief, Maria, no wonder you came home and cried for three hours one day! All this and a fever too??


New member
Wow, this really looks great and I am sure you had so much fun!!! Keep up the great work!!!:clap: :clap: :clap: