Farasha Hanem
New member
Take a look at the very topmost picture on my main page for an idea of one thing that can be done with two veils:
Zorba, "The Veiled Male"
For those just learning veil, do remember that there isn't a veil dancer on the planet who hasn't had tired arms and spent more time tangled in their veil(s) than on the outside of them! May I suggest this article on my site, "So You Want to be a Veil Dancer, Huh?":
So You Want to be a Veil Dancer, Huh?
Zorba, I absolutely adore you!
I'm quickly becoming addicted to veils---they are so much fun! I've bought veil material in six different colors now, and have discovered that 90 inches is a pretty good length for me. Tonight in class I attempted a veil move I'd never tried before (but don't know what it's called). I "entered the stage" whirling the veil around me, while simultaneosly spinning to the other side of the "stage." The teacher said it looked really good, but I ended up getting dizzy! :shok: :lol: What was the name of the move I did, and how do I keep from getting dizzy while spinning?