We have lost Steve Irwin


New member
I dont know if this news will make any sense in here, But we Aussies are deeply in pain, Steve Irwin or known as "Croc Hunter" has just passed away. Not only he is one of the most popular faces in Australia, But his effort and dedication towards wild life was extraordinary, Living only a few ks from Australia Zoo, I visited a few times to have a real look at his passion . we will miss his "crikey" so often.we love you very much , Steve .
This is my way to salute this brave and world life warrior .
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New member
Oh. Wow. How sad. I always tease people that they are unique, just like everyone else, but in his case he truly WAS unique. I hope the work he invested so much into goes on.
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New member
I know! I was on my way to work, listening to the radio on my walkman, when I heard the news :eek: My jaw litterally dropped...

He's always been quite popular here in Holland, he even did a ad campaign for a mobile telephone stores chain last year or so!

I feel for Terri and the kids... :( He will be missed! Rest in peace, Steve...


New member
We were only watching him yesterday, and had a long conversation about him around the family dinner table. What a shame, he was great that man. xx


New member
So sorry for Australias loss, a lovely man with a lovely interesting personality who brought nature and its species to life a man who I am sure will be greatly missed by many around the globe...thoughts go out to his wife and children.


New member
As an Aussie, you either loved him or you cringed whenever he said "Crikey". But either way, he did introduce a global generation or two to the wonders of the Outback and the amazing critters we have, and that's a priceless legacy to leave behind.

And if he went out doing what he loved, then you can't ask for more than that.


New member
Such a sad loss for both his family, and the critters of Austraila. They lost one of the best spokesman they could have ever wanted. I can only imagine how hard it is for his family.


New member
I loved that guy. I grew up watching his programs. It's very sad. At college today everyone seemed really upset about it. It really was a shock. :(


New member
How awful for his wife and children. Our thoughts are with them. It's so true that only the good die young.


New member
..and apparently he said that if he died he wanted it to be showed on TV....so they're gonna telivise it:(


Well, as much as I enjoyed and admired the man, no one ever claimed he always showed the best taste or good sense. On the other hand, his wish to televise his death doesn't surprise me. He was a scientist and an adventurer, and death on the job is a logical end to his kind of life, and would certainly wrap up his season on TV.

Nuts. I really liked him.


New member
I don't really know what to say to that about the whole television bit. I saw a clip on TV as I was flicking, and I couldn't look. :( I think he will be greatly missed cause he did so much to help animals and things and was very well known.


New member
Yea- on GMTV :(

I'm not going to watch it though. It would be too weird I think. I dunno.. it's a bit odd though.


New member
yeah but has it already bin on or is it going to be on ??? you are talking in two senses !!! xxx