Simply put, because the US government values US security over democracy or human rights elsewhere. In fact, the US Government has been guilty of suspending the civil rights of US citizens, on US soil, in the name of 'fighting terrorism', so I really don't see it renouncing its association with the Egyptian military since the relationship provides strategic access to the Mid-East theater during times of war. Harsh, but true. I think there are people, even among the higher-ups, that would prefer to 'win hearts' by building hospitals, schools and improving infrastructure, but if that's not an option, then they will do whatever they consider necessary to make sure US interests are protected. It's cold and calculating, but it's how it works.
If Americans want the administration to do more than "cancel a joint military exercise", we're going to have to get vocal about it and make it something that affects them directly: let politicians know that US foreign policy in the Middle East will influence our vote in the upcoming election cycle. 2013 may not be a presidential election year, but those aiming for a Senate seat in 2014 have already begun preparations— they're listening, not necessarily because they care about human rights, but because they want us to put a check next to their name before we pull the lever in November.
I pretty much was gonna say everything Sirene said...except I don't think anything you do truly will change the US foreign policy :/ Call me pessimistic, but no president/senate ever managed to change it, so I'm not optimistic now. Especially that the US pulling aid from our Army means Russia will have the room open to come in and help. Putin's been vigorously offering support. Also US pulling aid from Egypt means US loses a lot of priveledges in the middle-east that we yeah. It's far more complicated to them than the slaughter of human lives. Ends justify the means at its finest.
I'm sitting here shaking my head at both my people who support the army cause ends justify the means and the MB are terrorists -their words not mine- and yeah...I'm done.
This is a post I put on my tumblr blog because people have been complaining and asking about the little news that was there. I decided to share it here to try and shed some light about what happened and how things got to this point.