*thread hijack* Oh my my my. I *hate* youtube comments. They're too frequently uncivil and downright mean and prejudice. These are no exception. Why do people do this? *hijack over*
michelle said:I also hate the ones from two certain guys, if you are ever on youtube than you know who they are, who are always making ignorant and sometimes sexist comments about different videos. They'll say, "oh I just love her! She is sooo sexy and sooo talented! Her body is sooo hot!!" And usually, the dancer in question is not necessarily that talented, even downright awful at times.
recnadocir said:But I did get a "one star" vote which was surely some secret enemy or some spiteful jerk, because it was for a dance which most people consider one of my best, "Forever Child."
Remember this rather distasteful dancer? The one who was using the making-the-bed-style veil work?
The nastiest comments though are the ones that turn into a race bashing thread; either a middle eastern person (or just claiming to be) bashing the "foreign" dancers, or "western people" bashing the middle east. It gets disturbing I tell you. Case in point:
You have to click on All Comments and read down. This is just far too common and it destroys the purpose of a community like youtube. It's just sad.
This is not unique to them. In the Uk you can incite hatred against Muslims because they are not a racial group.
I thought that's why they brought in the inciting religious hatred legislation, or did that not get passed?