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  • Hi Craig! I'm Tim and I live in America. I see you're listed as a soon to be belly dancer. I Haven't started taking lessons myself,but I do take a local folk dance class. We one time had a female belly dancer perform for one of the teachers' birthdays. I found out later on that they did have a young male belly dancer perform for them once. I missed that since for awhile the folk dance class had moved to different locations that weren't as easy for me to get to. Luckily I did see some of the pictures. The dancer was named Arturo and wore all black and was a very modest costume(no bare belly,chest or arms). He also played the zills that time. He ended up moving,but later took an early retirement from dance since he was getting some backlash from some homophobic men where he lived. I don't know if he was gay or not,but apparentally some homophobic men considered to be gay just because he was a belly dancer. I was gonna get in contact with him,but I found out from several sources he retired from dancing completely. Anyhow that's cool that your 4 year old do belly rolls already.
    *note to self* dont forget to turn the heater off after you finish practice tonite! lol
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