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  • Thanks, Creaky. The weather really sucks today, but I stayed home with a headache and haven't been out yet. Gotta go teach my dance class tonight, and I suspect most of my students will make their way to class as well. I do worry about my son who has to drive thirty miles each way to work through open country.
    Hi, thanks for accepting my friendship. I really enjoy your input on the forum :)
    Thanks. It was still a type 1 hurricane when it hit made landfall here but wasn't really anything bigger than one of the normal storms we usually get up here. LOL didn't even do any damage to us at all other than maybe a few small branches down around the area.
    aw thanks so much for being concerned! it was okay. it looked really ugly outside but we only got a bit of rain! It may have rained more last night but I'm a heavy sleeper haha. Apparently we are supposed to have another biggun today. My friend back home (I'm in P'Cola now) said the storm is pretty much following her all the way over here so we might! I just hope she is careful too.

    Woohoo hurricane season is back...

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