After resigning myself to understanding that I'd be a keen intermediate forever and deciding not to spend so much time working towards trying to work towards dancing in a troupe or something, and shifting my focus to fitness instruction (which I am sincerely good at and RIDIC enjoying!), I find...
I'm at work late tonight, keeping the doors open for a squadron here at the base's Mess dinner (in case you don't know- I work in a military aviation museum on a base). The barkeep asked me to help out when it's time to "Pass the Port". I played it cool and agreed, but of course, then I...
Hello chaps! Long time, no post- I've been busy dancing and running and cycling despite Halifax's poopy weather.
I had an interesting conversation with my Monday night belly dance teacher and thought, "who better to ask for advice than strangers on the internets?". So, people of the...
I picked this up from the Livejounal Bellydancing community. I am also too thick to figure out how to embed? If somebody can help me out it'd be much appreciated!
YouTube - Beirut Duty Free Rocks Airport with Dabke Dance - Full Version
Hay so Nath Keo is coming to Halifax in April! He's giving 3 different 3-hour workshops over the weekend (see below). The deal for all 3 is pretty good but frankly I can't afford all 3 (I'd rather do 2 and go to the hafla, and the hafla's a drop in the bucket). Which two would be your...
Oh, no!
I blog about my dancing. I'm a recreational dancer, I dance because I love to, I like thinking about it and blogging about it. I also re-blog lots of cool photos from many dance forms (especially ballet and belly dance- I identify belly dance as my "home" style but I spent a lot of my...
I was re-reading the Miscarriage of Shaabi Justice thread because I've been thinking about Shaabi a lot lately. I've been trying to explore Shaabi music but I'm still a little overwhelmed- I know to check out Hakim and Saad, but I could use a little more direction than that. What are your...
So this is pretty wild. I'm watching the Fifth Estate on CBC right now about this. The last interview is with a guy who is being investigated right now by CSIS basically because of this policy.
I just got my hands on a copy of the new Beats Antique album. I don't dance tribal fusion style, but there's a lot of that in the air in my city so I can't help but to pay attention to what the tribal fusion kids are up to. I'm doing my first listen-through now. Any thoughts? So far, stand...
I've been wanting one for a little while now- I liked the idea of having a piercing, but my day job isn't conductive to a facial piercing (it'd be a hazard for me, I handle an industrial museum collection and my clothes get ripped up enough as it is when things don't go as expected, I don't need...
I recently had the opportunity to travel to Montreal- my mum went to see Rufus Wainright, and I went to see Aziza for a private lesson (she seemed quite pleased to have "beat" Rufus when I mentioned that I was having a lesson with her instead of going to the concert!). I was prepared for my...
Hey, so, I really hate flossing you guys. That said, I have a terrible buildup of ... teeth gunk (for a lacking of technical dental vocabulary) behind my bottom front teeth. A few months ago, I went to the dentist for the first time in ages- I hadn't been able to afford it, and was long...
Found a neat video and link to an NPR article about Guo Wei:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed...
Hey kids, I might be planning a trip to Montreal in June (pending time can be booked off from work) from the 20th to the 25th. I live in Halifax which has some great local instructors, but otherwise there aren't a lot of resources. My ideal agenda would involve some drop-in classes with great...
Maybe I'm just a Debbie-Downer, but I've yet to see any evidence that Zumba is anything but mad as a hatter.
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param...
I've become hopelessly addicted to I was generally in a musical rut, but now at work I just queue up a few tags and bam, the internet spits out an awesome custom soundtrack. Great! I've especially been using it to find belly dance music. Anybody wanna be my friend so I can...
I wanted to experiment with Henna, and in an effort to keep everything in my Debbie-Downer of a city from closing (seriously the main drag in the downtown core has literally nothing but empty storefronts), decided to buy something that was already here instead of eBaying something from, well...
I spend a lot of time listening to my belly dance music on my iPod, and when I practice at home, it's with headphones on. Right now I'm using the classic earbuds that came with my iPod, but I hate them for dancing (and running and capoeira and listening to music on the bus and and and- I just...