I've never heard anyone say God bless the UK in 35 years.![]()
That's coz there's bugger all to bless. Where to start...let's see, how about the WEATHER!
I've never heard anyone say God bless the UK in 35 years.![]()
ahhh no, you've got it wrong - people say 'G*d bless' when you sneeze!
I'm curious about the sense that some people have that it's the intent with which people do actions that is important - this is possibly what Jesus was suggesting in the New Testament where he said something about looking at a woman with lust was equivalent to actually having an adulterous relationship!
In effect, the New Testament is all about having two rules: love g*d with all your heart, soul, mind and so on; and love other people to the extent you would want to be loved yourself. Not so difficult to understand is it? but probably much more difficult to do than the entire list of rules and regulations in Deuteronomy or Leviticus!
So I think that's one reason humans have managed to devise more rules and regulations that might have the outward appearance of piety, but actually are a whole lot easier to do than the intent version.
And having said this, I'll crawl back into my secular hole ... I won't be tearing up any photographs, and I still say 'bless you' when someone sneezes!
*hugs you*
It may seem weird for a Christian to bellydance,
I am a Christian and I have never felt that God looked down on me because I bellydance.
Could it be that any dance is as much a gift to us, as all the wonders that we can take from our lives? We all vibrate to our unique rhythms. Music is vibration and we just respond naturally, and all that is natural is surely from God? Or so you'd think. So, I don't see a problem with dance, any dance, that is a celebration of life, joy and personal expression. It can, of course, be all in the eye of the beholder.
I am posting this here because, as many of you know, some members of this board take discussions from here to closed forums and go on for pages how "stupid" poster X who said this and that is.
Just meant to provide proof for what I said everyone able to use google could have come up with.
I will post the full Turkish text below this for anyone interested.
My stand is that I find it upsetting that there are still places in the world that, in the name of religion, are militantly intolerant of their brothers and sisters of different faiths. When all is said and done, I believe that all theistic religions (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc) pray to the same Power, whether named God, Yahweh, Allah, etc. Of course, as a Christian preacher, I would be overjoyed to see everyone move to the Christian faith, but I respect others.
The subject of Yoga, unfortunately, has become the victim of factions of all faiths that think that Yoga is some sort of religion. Not so. I believe the practice of Yoga to be as religious as going to the gym religiously (facetious pun intended), which, I don't think, is against any religion. Is it a mental and physical discipline? Certainly. So is weightlifting. So is ballet. So is belly dancing.
Oh? now I am totally baffled..:think:![]()
I've been living in Turkey for 7-8 years, and I hear this crap for the 1st time, honestly. And we have many yoga workshops here. Especially in Isnatbul it's smth like a national craze. And I used to attend yoga courses for 3-4 yrars.
I don't know who forbade yoga here( because myself I haven't heared of it), but seems like noone listens. LOL:dance:
True Gypsy, Turkey is the last place that I would think of that would outlaw yoga classes. They are a very moderate country from what i hear![]()