Thanks Sara, actually nice to get a glimpse o a different cultural angle...
However... I know this young marriage thing is part of the culture... Yet may times it happens that marriage is arranged, or a child is bulied into marriage, not necesarrily wanting to be married and have a baby at 14-15.... so what is part of a 'culture' on one hand is child abuse on the other.
That happens awfully lot in Africa, where young gals get married and have kids as young as 12 and many are devastated by having a baby at such young age. Also has a lot to do with lack of sexual education and absolutely NO birth control available to women.
Part of the culture? Yes. Child abuse? YES! I soooo hate to see those tiny skinny gals carrying toddles who are not their siblings... mostly unmarried and victims of rape... Part of a culture often means no voice no choice no education no dignity.
I am not specifically referring to the above clip, itjust reminded me of those kids and women I have seen.
I think it is absolutely perfectly fine for kids (male or female) to want to belly dance, BUT it has to be under the right conditions.
Which goes without saying, no TOO revealing costumes, try to keep the choreography simple and fun (not too provacative, leave that for the older dancers)
I think that's great if they want to perform in front of an audience but in this case I would
1) Hand pick the audience myself (try and keep it limited to close family and friends instead of total and complete strangers until the kid is a bit older)
2)view the choreography beforehand to make any necessary adjustments.
3) Give your audience a heads up first so they won't be taken off guard later on.
Other than that, I say "Go for it, babies!!":clap:
Very interesting topic...I have an 11 year old daughter, who is at an awkward stage in her development. She is going to be tall, Dad's 6'4, shes 5'2 now and has just begun budding. She is on the chunky side, although I know that will change, I was heavy at that time in my live as well.
She has tried Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Ballroom and Latin, the B and L she still does a little bit, but she loves BD. I encourage her, allow her to wear a hip scarf over a skirt or pants and have fun practicing hip drops, etc. She is not performing. I agree that is for a more mature woman.
I have found that because BD is not so body type specific, she feels confident when she is dancing, she doesn't have to compare herself to the string beans she usually sees dancing. She is just exploring the movements, we are talking about some lessons, but she is not so self conscious when she dances now....I love that BD is doing that for her.
I almost feel that it was providence that I got back into it at this time in HER life.
WHAT costumer in his/her right mind would make such costumes for children???
This isn't at all appropriate. I'm all for kids learning bellydance, Oriental dance, Raqs Sharqui, or, well, let's say, Middle Eastern dance, but with definite guidelines. When I think of children "bellydancing," I think of this:
and this:
(I adore Al; he's PHENOM!)
and this:
Darn!Tarik, you had a wonderful video shot in Egypt, I believe, of children dancing in a cultural context, but I can't find it in any of my saved vids, or in either one of your channels?
Do you remember it?
I'm not so sure if whoever shot this next vid should have made it, because I'm iffy about whether he or she had the parents' permission, but the description says that it shows how people in Egypt start dancing as children with their families (it was shot backstage at the Ahlan wa Sahlan Festival in Egypt:
Just a tad bit late to the discussion, but here they are:
Kudo's LadyFatima. Jay!!! Someone else that thinks like me. I can't understand why no fuss is made of "Babies in Tiaras". If that is not exploitation of young children then I am lost for words.
I love little children doing bellydance. You can see the admiration of their mothers and teachers in their eyes and smiles and the look of triumph when they do a move well and get rewarded for it. Tell me that that is not building self-esteem. :think:
I can't understand why no fuss is made of "Babies in Tiaras".