Corrupted wishes 2011


New member
Granted. Sadistic teachers have a special place in hell. They are the rulers of it and enjoy all the comforts that hell affords.

I wish I had twenty million dollars so that I could finance THE GREATEST BELLYDANCE EXTRAVAGANZA THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN!


"The Veiled Male"
Done! But Miles and BDSS come to town, outspend you, and everyone goes to their show instead...

I wish we could just do away with STUPID Daylight Savings Time!


Granted - it's spring forever and you never have summer holidays or Christmas again!

I wish I had my own personal band to accompany me when I dance.


Granted, you now have an out-of-tune mariachi band following you everywhere.

I wish the weather would make up it's mind about the season. (first it's summer, then 2 weeks later it's winter, 2 weeks later it's summer again!)


Granted - it's spring forever and you never have summer holidays or Christmas again!.

I think I'm good with that.:cool:

Granted! The weather's mind is made up and spring is here forever (see above;))

I wish I could afford weekly pedicures and manicures.


Granted, but the person who does the pedicure/manucure does a really dodgy job and now you got horridly infected hands and feet (did I mention gangrene?)

I wish for a colour changing shape shifting costume that takes the design of my desire at demand.


Granted. But now you constantly worry about being naked in public - and your costume responds accordingly.

I wish I could have the time, money & good health to be able to go to every workshop or private lesson I wanted.


Granted! You have the time, money, and health, but there are neither workshops nor lessons to be found anywhere.

I wish I could remember everything that I am supposed to remember.


New member
Granted, but your head ends up so cluttered and full you'd wish you had the time to forget things again for a while...

I wish I could get some sleep!! It's 3 AM and I'm wide awake...


(I had the same issue last night, no sleep at all :( )

Granted, but you sleep for a year, wake up to find you missed all your classes, workshops, performances, hafla's etc that you were planning to go to/teach etc. and there is a huge group of angry people waiting for the dancer who stood everybody up...

I wish to un-corrupt everybody's wishes including my own.


New member
granted... you sleep and sleep and pull a rip van winkle, except eyebrows drag to the floor instead!

I wish spring break would last forever with perfect weather.


New member
LOL, I'm going to work both of your wishes into one big corruption, Amulya and Duskshade, as you both seem to have responded to my post and Amulya's was left out.

OK, Spring break lasts forever with perfect weather, but because all of our wishes got uncorrupted everybody gets so pre-occupied with their own stuff nobody is talking to eachother anymore and we all spend Spring break alone forever.... :shok:

I wish my addiction to buy more bellydance music would cool off a bit (my bank account hates me)!:lol:


Granted. You are no longer interested in buying bellydance music. Your new interest, celtic pub bands, has you spending more money than ever on rare lps that you buy off ebay for thousands of dollars a pop.

I wish I wasn't sulphite-intolerant so I could start going for the plum jobs I'm supremely qualified for in the food manufacture industry. (Let me just say that having to click off a $50K+/year dream job that is asking for exactly my skills & quals because the work makes me literally vomit is no easy task. Many tears are being shed here!)


Good lord, would someone make a corruptable wish already? So sorry for your misfortune, Dar.

Okay, corrupt this one:

I wish I was Belly Dance Queen of the Universe with the power to banish all spammers and naysayers and enemies of belly dance (HOO-AAH!):yay:


New member
Behold - wish granted! The universe is hereby yours, O Great Belly Dance Queen of the Universe! You have banished all evildoers, spammers, enemies of bellydance and other such negativity...

and the Universe, without the negative aspects in it, promptly implodes and coalesces into the Big Bubble, which in turn creates another Big bang, setting up exactly the same evildoers, spammers, enemies of bellydance, and other such negativity that require a magickal wish for a Belly Dance Queen of the Universe to banish them and restart the cycle....

And you, my Mighty, Glorious and Beneficient Belly Dance Queen of the Universe, is stuck watching this over and over like DVD stuck in an endless loop, for infinity.

Was that corrupted enough? LOL

I wish I was the highest paid bellydancer, without inspiring any animosity from my peers.


ZAPPO! You are now the highest paid in the BD art! No other dancer has animosity, because money is worthless, there is nothing to buy anywhere in the world.

I wish there really were a world without money, only a bartering system.


Granted. But now your dancing is worth 1 shiny bauble for 20 minutes work.

I wish my nailpolish wouldn't wear off so quickly!


Granted! The polish is permanent, unchangeable, and you hate the color.

I wish I had a beautiful set of dance dresses that fit like a dream, suited me perfectly, and came in an array of glorious, becoming colors.


Granted, but your clothes fit so well and look so gorgeous that everyone keeps asking you where they come from and if they can get any, no one pays any attention to you or your dancing because they are all looking at your outfits, and you end up feeling unnoticed as a person and treated like a clothes hanger.

I wish I'd started dancing ten years earlier.