Fun and strange news


It is time to start a new game.

Find strange or fun news, and share the link to the story with the rest of us.
The only criteria is that is has to be real news, not something you made up, and you need to provide the link to an article telling about it..

I'll give you the first one:
In Norway, we have a food specialty known as brown cheese, i.e. caramelized goat cheese. It doesn't reach the news very often, but this oddity even made it to the BBC: BBC News - Norway goat cheese fire closes tunnel


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Fat & sugar cheese & brown - my daughter calls any brown food ugly food:D & on top of that it burns like petrol! - yikes that is some very scary cheese:lol:. Like the thread idea :D


Super Moderator
If one is trying to attract males between the ages of 16 and 22 this perfume should do it. :lol:

True - but no way would I be going around smelling like some old pizza even if I was between 16-22:lol: You might get some looney-tunes thinking you are a living walking, talking pizza who would try to take a huge bit out of you - Yikes!



My grandfather to the X (not sure how many generations back) could do that - apparently he was a teacher teaching split grades & would write one grade's classwork from right to left and the other's from left to right at the same time.

That said, this is from the same side of the family that claims we're related to MacBeth, so this could be just another tall tale. ;)